港式古典綠白磁磚冰室 Our miniature Ice Cafe started
AIML Workshop 為大家重現之80年代懷舊冰室,骰仔細細的間格「麻雀雖小,五臟俱全」。
AIML Workshop started with the crafting of a wooden case for our nostaglic Ice Café (or Bing Sutt) miniature to house the old days' life of Hongkongers in the 1980s.
Our minature floor tiles alternating green and white in random, our miniature kitchen walls covered with blue mosaic tiles, and our minature waiting area in green and white mosaic tiled interior.

美都餐室,一間有63年歷史的懷舊冰室,"在這裏,大家會找到消逝了的舊香港足跡,除了吊扇換成冷氣機外,餐室都保留50年代的裝修佈置,如紙皮石牆、古董收銀機及舊水牌等,一切就如時光倒流一樣。" (https://www.getreadyhk.com/lifestyle/themed-restaurants-and-cafes/item/212-mido-cafe)